


Harmonious coexistence with the local community

Our company, which is headquartered in Shiga Prefecture, where Lake Biwa is located, is engaged in cleaning activities around Lake Biwa and the Inukami River, which flows into Lake Biwa.


Lake Biwa Cleanup Campaign

We also participate in the Lake Biwa Cleanup Campaign, which is organized throughout the prefecture by the Shiga Prefecture Workers' Welfare Council and Rengo Shiga.This activity is held every year in September as part of environmental beautification enlightenment activities with the goals of "improving the local environment" and "removing litter."Although it is held in a very hot season, as a member of the Lake Country, it is an important responsibility to preserve the environment of Lake Biwa, which is an important asset, to the next generation.We work hard and have fun.

Amago Station Naming Rights (Secondary Station Name)

We have acquired the naming rights (deputy station naming rights) for Amago Station on the Omi Railway, which is the nearest station to Furukawa AS headquarters.Amago Station is a station that our employees have used for commuting for many years, and we acquired Furukawa AS in the hope that it would become familiar to local residents and be known to more people.We will continue to strengthen our ties with the local community and aim to realize a sustainable society by contributing to the local community through our business.

Acquisition of Shiga Biodiversity Initiative Certification

We are developing activities to conserve biodiversity and create nature conservation activities.In addition to the promotion of measures to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities, we have been recognized for our efforts to pasque flowers, which has been designated as an endangered species and Shiga Prefecture's designated rare species of wild fauna and flora, and to carry out cleanup activities in the local community.Acquired 3-star biodiversity initiative certification.We will continue to promote proactive activities to achieve SDGs centered on carbon neutrality together with "Lake Country Shiga".

Efforts to donate blood

Twice a year, our head office accepts blood donation buses and conducts group blood donations.About 150 people donate blood each year.

Supporting the registration of Hikone Castle as a World Heritage Site

In the area where Furukawa AS is located, we are promoting the registration of Hikone Castle as a World Heritage Site, mainly in Hikone City.As a member of the local community, we also support registration promotion.


Next-generation development support

Work and life are like two wheels of a car.If one of them is biased, it will not be possible to demonstrate its original ability and move forward.At Furukawa AS, we value the sense of values of each individual, and we are working on work-life balance so that the two wheels of work and life rotate smoothly in a well-balanced manner, and that individual abilities are demonstrated and life is fulfilled.On May 2016, based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, we received Platinum Kurumin certification as a company that actively engages in the development of the next generation.

Women's Active Advancement

Human beings are not only different in race, gender, age, etc., but also in religion, values, social background, way of life, way of thinking, personality, attitude, taste, etc., everyone is different from each other.Accepting, acknowledging, and making the most of such differences is what we call “diversity.”At Furukawa AS, we are working on "promoting women's active participation" as one way to create a workplace where everyone, not just women, can make the most of their abilities.

・Formulation of general business owner action plan
Furukawa AS has formulated the following action plan to create a comfortable working environment for everyone, including women, based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Women's Participation Promotion Act)..

Planning period
From April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2026
Target 1
Raise the ratio of women among newly hired graduates to 25% or more
Target 2
Promote a total of 10 or more female workers to management or managerial positions or hire them for management or higher positions by the end of the plan period.
Target 3
Achieve a childcare leave acquisition rate of 100% for women and an average of 50% or more for men during the plan period.
Target 4
100% acquisition rate of 11 days or more of regular leave

Reemployment system

Reemployment system
We have introduced a re-employment system for employees who have reached the retirement age of 60.As of the end of fiscal 2022, 71 people have been re-employed.
Employment of people with disabilities
We actively promote the employment of people with disabilities. He has also participated in the Abilympics, and most recently won both the Gold Prize and the Shiga Prefectural Governor's Award in the spreadsheet category of the Abilympics Shiga 2022.

Initiatives for occupational health and safety

Furukawa Automotive Systems is committed to workplace safety and employee Health management based on the following basic policy.

Basic policy
  1. 1. Deploying measures that are thoroughly focused on “respect for people” and “safety first”
  2. 2. Realization of a safe and comfortable working environment for workers
  3. 3. Pursue zero illness by maintaining and promoting mental and physical health
  4. 4. Develop human resources who can thoroughly implement safe behavior
Safety activities
As part of our occupational health and safety management system, we conduct activities to reduce the risk of industrial accidents in the workplace through "risk assessment," "KYT (hazard prediction training) activities," and "submission of near-miss incidents."
Holding of Safety and Health Committee
We organize health and safety committees and subcommittees in each of our business sites, and carry out activities such as "safety patrols" with the aim of creating a "zero accident, zero illness" workplace.
Disaster prevention education, disaster prevention training
Conducted AED training, rescue training, and water discharge training for in-house firefighting organizations.We regularly conduct evacuation drills and firefighting drills with the participation of all employees.
Distribution of employee emergency contact cards
In order to minimize damage in the event of a disaster, we have distributed an "Employee Emergency Contact Card" to all employees, which describes the code of conduct in the event of a fire or earthquake, and carry it with them at all times.
Health check
In order to check the health status of our employees, we conduct regular medical examinations, lifestyle-related disease examinations, medical examinations for employees dispatched overseas, and special medical examinations.
Health consultation
Industrial physicians and public health nurses provide health guidance after Health checkups, Health consultations for long working hours, and mental Health consultations as needed.
Health education
We hold classes to support smoking cessation and classes to improve eating habits in order to create opportunities for employees to acquire knowledge about health and practice health promotion.We also publish a monthly “Health Promotion News” to raise employee awareness of Health management.
Establishment of an external Health consultation desk
Through contracts with external insurance institutions, employees and their families can use the "Second Opinion Service," which provides phone consultations for illness and injuries and referrals to specialists.In addition, there is also a "mental health support service" where you can receive mental health counseling by telephone or face-to-face.

Relations with labor unions

Furukawa Automotive Systems has introduced a union shop system, and strives to build labor-management relations based on a basic understanding of the development of the company and the improvement of working conditions for employees, based on a relationship of trust between labor and management.

Creating a comfortable workplace

On Furukawa Automotive Systems, we are working to create a safe and comfortable working environment so that we can revitalize our organization and allow our employees to fully demonstrate their individual abilities.

Efforts to work-life balance at Furukawa AS

Systems to Support Diverse Working Styles and Balancing Work and Life

Flextime work system We will realize a lifestyle that allows you to work efficiently according to the fluctuations of your business and achieve harmony with your life.
No overtime day Every Wednesday is set as a day to leave work on time, and we encourage employees to leave work on time.
Refresh leave system Employees are required to take 5 consecutive days off for every 10 years of service.Apart from that, we encourage all employees to take three consecutive days off every year.
Maternity leave You can take leave for 6 weeks before childbirth and 9 weeks after childbirth (*).(*The legal requirement is 8 weeks after childbirth)
Childcare leave system
(and short-time work system)
Childcare leave can be taken from the day the child is born to the day the child reaches the age of three.In addition, working hours can be shortened until the child reaches the age of 1 to the beginning of the 4th grade of elementary school.Currently, almost all women who take Maternity leave take childcare leave.
Postpartum papa leave Prior to the legal revision from October 2022, the postpartum father childcare leave system will be introduced from April 2022.In addition, as an initiative to promote the use of the childcare leave system, we have started presenting gifts to employees (both men and women) who have taken childcare leave.
Nursing care leave system
(and short working hours system)
In cases where nursing of a family member is required, leave can be taken for a period of under a year. Working hours can also be shortened in the same way if required in order to give care.
Hourly paid leave for childcare purposes Employees raising children who have not yet entered elementary school can take paid leave on an hourly basis for childcare purposes.
Maternity protection leave If you become ill during pregnancy before taking Maternity leave, you can take unpaid leave in addition to paid leave.
Volunteer leave system We have established a volunteer leave system as a leave for employees to engage in volunteer activities.This system allows employees to use their accumulated paid and unpaid leave to do volunteer work, raising awareness of social contribution among employees.

Health management

We will promote mental and physical health and pursue zero illness through “Health management”.